Sunday, February 28, 2010


  I am going to be mugged for this post but still, must keep freedom of expression up! I have  been thinking of the whole feminist idea lately and have found some flaws with it all.
  For one, my year has about 3 or 4 very large home ec. classes. But there is not a single boy. And, since I'm pretty sure home ec. is about learning to be a homemaker, it surpasses me why these girls who do home ec. still find it sexist when a boy says that there are more female homemakers than male. It's like learning to play piano and then being angry when someone says that you play piano a lot.
  I had exactly this conversation with a 9 year old girl in my karate class:
 karate girl: why do you have long hair?
 me: why do you have long hair
 karate girl: I'm a girl
 me: I'm a boy
 karate girl: but boys aren't meant to have long hair
me: so your telling me that just because I'm a boy I'm not allowed have long hair?
karate  girl: pretty much.
me: OK just because you're a girl you have to cook and clean for the rest of your life

  Yeah how do you like them muffins!  This just shows how you can only be sexist to girls and only rascist to black people. It's crazy!

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