Saturday, January 23, 2010

Me, Complaining

  I've decided that, if I'm going to be blogging regularly, I might as well have a routine. So, from now on, my 'during the week' post is going to be a post where I complain. It seems a bit egotistical doesn't it? But when you think about it, we all complain alot. Most of my other posts have been complaints and we all know why we think democracy doesn't work. When we have everything we need, we complain about trivial thing.
  So for my first 'complaint post' is a post about homework. Now I'm not saying that we have too much, I'm just saying that it varies too much. Take this week for example. I have no homework today. Yesterday, I had a religion class where I do my homework as I'm exempt from it. But, when I got home, I still had an entire essay to type. the day before that I was doing my homework till nine. I did have Karate in-between but that's beside the point. the change is killing my back. I would much prefer it if the amount of homework was somehow set and not just thrown upon us. It would also be cool if we were given a weeks worth of homework on one day and no homework for the rest of the week.

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