Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blogging on a plane

Disclaimer; don't worry Ryanair, I'll publish this later.
So I'm just after leaving and have now realised how much I hate airports. Parents screaming left right and centre, wifi either not available at all or only available in some places. And Ryanair just charged us €80 because "we didn't check in online."And then the shops have nothing whatsoever that I'm looking for. This book shop had the 2nd book in a trilogy I'm Reading and not the 3rd one! Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!


  1. Come on Théo -you're going on holidays! Stop being so angry. By the way what is the trilogy you are reading?

  2. post some more blogs t-money

  3. It's called the inheritance trilogy. The first one, Eragon is a movie. Verily god I reccomend it. And I would blog more if I could.
